Enlightener BlackstoneMA | Accessibility Recommendations

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Problem:Review and Evalute Design & A11y and Inclusion state of the Town Newpaper website.

Solution/Output:Provide Accessibiltiy Annotations summarizing areas of oppurtunity & design enhancements.

Defects Assessment

WebAim Evaluation & Assessment Tool Results

Navigated to Blackstone MA URL address in Google Chrome and ran the Webaim - WAVE Accessibility Evalutaion Tool for a quick summary of the accessibility issues with the document/page.

  • 70 Errors
  • 33 Alerts
  • 0 Structure Elements
  • 1 Feature
  • 0 Color Contrast Conflict
  • 0 Aria
Blackstonema screen with accessibility error points Blackstonema screen with accessibility error points
figure: BlackstoneMA with icons Highlighting Accessibility Concerns and the WebAim WAVE Panel summary tab reporting 70 errors, 33 alerts, 1 feature. Zero results for Structure colorcontrast issues or aria.

3 Quick Accessibility & Inclusive Wins

Organizations and stakeholders are extremely interested in understanding the largest scale oppurtunity areas to resolving accessibility defects.

Three such areas accesibility improvement (without a redesign efforts) include:

Missing Alternative text
Adding all Missing Alt text to imageswould helps include users with content who have spectrum of vision or congitive differences and others.

figure: 70 Total Errors; 69 Errors are Alt Text related.

Remove Table Layout Elements
Removal Table Layout Elements would help users more easily navigate the document and comprehend the content especially those with spectrum of vision or congitive differences and others.

figure: 33 Total Alerts; 22 are Table Layout related.

Structure of the HTML
Define Structure of the HTML Document would Define Page or document archetecture or form and provide much more informational awareness to the document for both general content and also navigation of the document.

figure: 0 Structural Elements, H1 H2 H3 Head html tags all with questionmarks, Zero heading structure Elements defined.

Accessibility Annotations - Figma

Review Design Annotations a more detailed breakdown of coding recommendations/advise for Web developers to use while building this webpage.

BlackstoneMA - Accessibility Design Annotations Figma (Opens new window)
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